
上海儿童医学中心  心脏中心






2009-8-25 09:02| 发布者: 陆医生| 查看: 1786| 评论: 1|原作者: admin|来自: 网络转载

Angiocardiography    心血管造影
An X-ray examination of the blood vessels or chambers of the heart. It is made by tracing the course of a special fluid (called contrast or dye), visible by X-ray, that has been injected into the bloodstream. The X-ray pictures are called angiograms.

Aorta    主动脉
The large artery that receives blood from the left ventricle of the heart and distributes it to the body.

Aortic valve    主动脉瓣
The heart valve between the left ventricle and the aorta. It has three flaps, or cusps.

Arrhythmia (Dysrhythmia)    心律失常
An abnormal rhythm of the heart.

Artery    动脉
Any one of a series of vessels that carry blood from the heart to the various parts of the body.

Atresia    闭锁
The absence of a normal opening.

Atrium    心房
Either one of the two upper chambers of the heart in which blood collects before being passed to the ventricles; also called auricle.

Balloon angioplasty    球囊血管成形术
A procedure in which a balloon is inserted into a narrowed area of a blood vessel. When the balloon is inflated, the narrowed area is stretched open and then the balloon is removed. Also called balloon dilation angioplasty.

Balloon valvuloplasty    球囊瓣膜成形术
A procedure in which a balloon is inserted into the opening of a narrowed heart valve. When the balloon is inflated, the valve is stretched open and then the balloon is removed.

Blood pressure     血压
The force or pressure exerted by the heart in pumping blood; pressure of the blood in the arteries.

Cardiac    心脏的
Pertaining to the heart.

Cardiac arrest    心脏骤停
When the heart stops beating.

Cardiology     心脏病学
The study of the heart and its functions in health and disease.

Cardiovascular     心血管
Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels.

Catheterization    心导管(术)
The process of examining the heart by inserting a thin tube (catheter) into a vein or artery and passing it into the heart. It's done to sample oxygen, measure pressure and make X-ray movies.

Congenital heart defect    先天性心脏病
 Part of the heart or its major blood vessels that isn't formed properly and doesn't work as it should at birth.

Congestive heart failure    充血性心力衰竭
The inability of the heart to pump out all the blood that returns to it. This results in blood backing up in the veins that lead to the heart. Sometimes fluid builds up in various parts of the body.

Coronary arteries    冠状动脉
Two arteries arising from the aorta. The arteries arch down over the top of the heart, branch out and provide blood to the working heart muscle.

Cyanosis     紫绀
Blueness of skin caused by a shortage of oxygen in the blood.

Diastolic blood pressure    (血压)舒张压
The blood pressure inside the arteries when the heart muscle is relaxed.

Digoxin    地高辛
A drug often used in treating congestive heart failure. It makes the contraction of the heart muscle stronger, slows the rate of heart beats and helps remove extra fluid from body tissues. It's also used sometimes to treat certain arrhythmias.

Diuretic    利尿剂
A drug that increases the rate that urine forms. It promotes the excretion of water and salts.

Doppler    多普勒超声
See ultrasound.

Dysrhythmia (Arrhythmia)     心律失常
An abnormal rhythm of the heart.

Echocardiography     超声心动图
A diagnostic method in which pulses of sound are transmitted into the body. The echoes returning from the surfaces of the heart and other structures are plotted and recorded on electronic equipment.

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)    心电图
A graphic record or electrical impulses produced by the heart.

Endocarditis    心内膜炎
An inflammation of the inner lining of the heart or heart valves.

High blood pressure    高血压
A chronic increase in blood pressure above the normal range. The increase persists over two or more measurements.

Hypertension   高血压
Same as high blood pressure.

Hypothermia    低温
A procedure that lowers a patient's body temperature during surgery. It stops all blood circulation so the surgeon can safely repair the heart.

Mitral valve    二尖瓣
The heart valve between the left atrium and left ventricle. It has two flaps, or cusps.

Open-heart surgery    心脏外科手术
Surgery done on the opened heart while the bloodstream is diverted through a heart-lung machine.

Pacemaker    起搏器
The "natural" pacemaker of the heart is called the sinus node. The sinus node is a small mass of special cells in the top of the right atrium of the heart. It produces the electrical impulse that goes to the left atrium and travels down to reach the ventricular muscle. These impulses cause the heart to contract or "beat." The term "artificial pacemaker" is applied to an electrical device that can be used to replace a defective natural pacemaker or conduction pathway. The artificial pacemaker controls the heart's beating and rhythm by emitting a series of electrical discharges.

Pulmonary artery    肺动脉
The large artery that receives blood from the right ventricle and takes it to the lungs.

Pulmonary (pulmonic) valve     肺动脉瓣
The heart valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. It has three flaps, or cusps.

Regurgitation    (瓣膜)返流
The abnormal backward flowing of blood through a heart valve.

Rubella    风疹
Commonly known as German measles.

Septum     隔(如室间隔或房间隔)
One of the muscular walls dividing the two chambers on the left side of the heart from the two chambers on the right. The atrial septum separates the top chambers and the ventricular septum separates the bottom chambers.

Stenosis     狭窄
The narrowing or constriction of an opening (such as a heart valve).

Systolic blood pressure    (血压)收缩压
Pressure inside the arteries when the heart contracts with each beat.

Tricuspid valve    三尖瓣
The heart valve between the right atrium and right ventricle. It has three flaps, or cusps.

Ultrasound     超声
High frequency sound vibration, that a human ear can't hear, used in medical diagnosis. In pediatric cardiology the ultrasound test includes both echocardiography (shows a picture of the heart) and the Doppler test (analyzes blood flow).

Valve    瓣膜
An opening, covered by membrane flaps, between two chambers of the heart or between a chamber of the heart and a blood vessel. When it's closed, no blood normally passes through.

Vascular   血管的
 Pertaining to the blood vessels.

Vein    静脉
Any one of a series of vessels that carry blood from various parts of the body back to the heart.

Ventricle    心室
One of the heart's two lower chambers.







引用 shuzhiyun 2009-8-25 20:47



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