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2010-2-17 05:12| 发布者: 陆医生| 查看: 3549| 评论: 0|原作者: admin|来自: 心脏中心

Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis


Fluorescent dyes absorb light at certain wavelengths and in turn emit their fluorescence energy at a higher wavelength. Each dye has a distinct emission spectrum, which can be exploited for multicolor analysis. eBioscience antibodies are available conjugated to a wide variety of fluorochromes.

The tables below lists the properties of the most commonly used fluorochromes in flow cytometry. The eBioscience product number is the prefix used in our catalog numbering system to indicate the corresponding formats of our antibodies. We are continually developing new fluorochrome conjugated antibodies for both flow cytometry and microscopy. Please feel free to contact us at tech@ebioscience.com for more information!

Table 1: Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis - 488nm Excitation
Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis - 488nm Excitation
eBioscience Product Prefix # Name Excitation laser (nm) Peak Emission (nm) Intensity (1=lowest, 5=highest) Uses
11 FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) 488 518 3 Detected in FL1 channel on most instruments; also a good choice for fluorescence microscopy
53 Alexa Fluor® 488 488 519 3 Detected in FL1 channel on most instruments; photostable; an excellent choice for fluorescence microscopy
12 R-PE
488 575 5 Detected in FL2 channel on most instruments; very high quantum yield (ideal for detection of low density antigens); subject to photobleaching.
- PE-Texas Red 488 615 3 Detected in FL3 on single laser instruments
- PE-Alexa Fluor® 610 488 628 3 This alternative to PE-Texas Red has less overlap with PE due to its 628nm emission wavelength and is less subject to Fc mediated binding than PE-Cy5.
15 PE-Cy5 488 670 4 Detected in FL3 or FL4 on most instruments; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from PE molecule to the cyanine dye Cy5; when used with APC on dual laser machines, needs a cytometer capable of interlaser compensation. See PE-Cy5.5 for dual laser instruments
35 PE-Cy5.5 488 690 3 Detected in FL3 or FL4 on most instruments; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from PE molecule to cyanine dye Cy5.5; when used with APC on dual laser machines, needs a cytometer capable of interlaser compensation. Better choice for dual laser instruments than PE-Cy5.
45 PerCP-Cy5.5 488 690 3 Detected in FL3 or FL4 on most instruments; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from PerCP molecule to cyanine dye Cy5.5; when used with APC on dual laser machines, needs a cytometer capable of inter-laser compensation. Better choice for dual laser instruments than PE-tandems as a result of its exceptionally large stokes shift.
46 PerCP-eFluor™ 710 488 710 4 Detected in FL3 on most instruments; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from PerCP molecule to eFluor™ 710; when used with APC on dual laser machines, needs a cytometer capable of inter-laser compensation. Better choice for dual laser instruments than PE-tandems as a result of its exceptionally large stokes shift. 2-3 fold brighter than PerCP-Cy5.5.
25 PE-Cy7 488 760 3 Detected in appropriate channel based on filter set arrangement of the instrument; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from PE molecule to cyanine dye Cy7; minimal cross-beam compensation required when used simultaneously
- 7-AAD 488 647   Detected in FL3 channel on most instruments; binds selectively to GC regions of DNA; used as a viability dye to discriminate between viable and non-viable cells
- Propidium Iodide (PI) 488 617   Detected in FL2 and FL3 channels on most instruments; a DNA intercalating dye; used as a viability dye to discriminate between viable and nonviable cells

Table 2: Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis - 633nm Excitation
Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis - 633nm Excitation
eBioscience Product Prefix # Name Excitation laser (nm) Peak Emission (nm) Intensity (1=lowest, 5=highest) Uses
17 Allophycocyanin (APC) 633 660 4 Detected in FL4 on dual laser instruments; can be used interchangeably with Cy5 or Alexa Fluor® 647
51 Alexa Fluor® 647 633 668 4 Detected in FL4 on dual laser instruments; can be used interchangeably with Cy5 or APC; photostable, making it a great choice for microscopy, in addition to flow cytometry
19 Cy5 633 670 3 Detected in FL4 on dual laser instruments (used interchangeably with APC or Alexa Fluor® 647); good choice for intracellular labeling and microscopy
30 APC-Cy5.5 633 690 3 Detected in appropriate channel based on filter set arrangement; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from APC molecule to Cy5.5
56 Alexa Fluor® 700 633 723 2 Although not optimally excited by the He-Ne laser, it does produce a bright signal that can be used as a third dye off this laser; please note that emission wavelength requires a distinct set of filters; most instruments will require a 685 LP mirror and 710/20 filter.
47 APC-eFluorTM 780 633 780 2 Appropriate channel for detection based on filter set arrangement of the instrument; more photostable then APC-Cy7; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from APC molecule to eFluorTM 780, APC-Cy7, APC-Alexa Fluor® 750 and APC-eFluorTM 780 may be used interchangeably.
27 APC-Alexa Fluor® 750 633 775 2 Appropriate channel for detection based on filter set arrangement of the instrument; more photostable then APC-Cy7; tandem dye, resonance energy transfer from APC molecule to Alexa Fluor® 750, dim tandem dye. APC-Cy7, APC-Alexa Fluor® 750 and APC-eFluorTM 780 may be used interchangeably.

Table 3: Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis - 405nm Excitation
Fluorescent Dyes for Flow Cytometric Analysis - 405nm Excitation
eBioscience Product Prefix # Name Excitation laser (nm) Peak Emission (nm) Intensity (1=lowest, 5=highest) Uses
93 eFluorTM 605NC 405 605 2 Excited by the violet laser; eFluorTM 605NC can be used in combination with eFluorTM 450, please make sure to use this conjugate for your brightest antigen/proteins of interest
94 eFluorTM 625NC 405 625 2 Excited by the violet laser; eFluorTM 625NC can be used in combination with eFluorTM 450, please make sure to use this conjugate for your brightest antigen/proteins of interest
95 eFluorTM 650NC 405 650 3 Excited by the violet laser; eFluorTM 650NC can be used in combination with eFluorTM 450 and eFluorTM 605NC, please make sure to use this conjugate for your brightest antigen/proteins of interest.
48 eFluorTM 450 405 450 2 Excited by the violet laser; eFluorTM 450 can be used interchangeably with Pacific Blue®, can be used in combination with eFluorTM 605NC or eFluorTM 625NC; please make sure to use this conjugate for your brightest antigen/proteins of interest
52 Alexa Fluor® 405 405 421 1 Extremely dim dye excited by the violet laser; suitable for only the brightest antigens
57 Pacific Blue® 405 455 2 Excited by the violet laser; Pacific Blue® can be used interchangeably with eFluorTM 450, typically a dimmer fluorochrome; please make sure to use this conjugate for your brightest antigen/proteins of interest
- Alexa Fluor® 430 405 541 1 Can be used as second dye excited by the violet laser
- Pacific Orange® 405 551 1 Dim and only suitable for densely expressed targets, due to its 551nm emission wavelength the Pacific Orange® dye can be used with Pacific Blue® for multicolor analysis with the violet or UV light source, however eFluorTM 605NC is a better alternative

Cy-ChromeTM is a registered trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company. Tri-ColorTM is a registered trademark of Caltag Laboratories. Alexa Fluor® and Pacific Blue® are registered trademarks of and licensed under patents assigned to Molecular Probes, Inc., for research use only.







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